Sunday, June 24, 2012

The letter that changed my life.........

I received this yesterday from my daughter......... My heart hurts beyond belief and I have no one to blame- but myself.

dear mom-

 I have had a lot of feelings about a lot of things you do and I don't understand. why do you make promises and don't keep them?why do you never keep in touch or call when you say? I don't want to have to go through what I'm going through. How come I always have to be the one to come visit you. It would be nice if you came to visit me. To be honest I can't trust you on everything you tell me. It seems like you can't keep a kid, you didn't get me or nate. I'm not trying to hurt your feelings, I just needed to tell you that.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The inevitable..

My son is 5, he'll be six this year. Where did the time go? They are babies for what feels like an eternity and next thing you know you blink and they're in kindergarten. I've been having to go through my ex's fiance in order to talk to my son, for whatever my ex never can get him phone, but as soon as I ask his chic my son will talk to me every time. Makes me wonder...

Anyway, today I asked my usual question- would my boy like to talk and she said sure so I called him from work... As soon as he gets on the phone he says his usual hello and I ask how he's doing and what he's up too and I make sure to tell him he's loved very much and after all that is said he says "MOM- WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME?"...."ME: (dead silent and tears pouring down my face)...Because I had too (worst answer ever)".."My son: BUT I DIDN'T WANT YOU TO LEAVE MOM..."....I had no words for my son except that I was sorry and I would try to see him again soon....meanwhile I'm hyperventilating at work because there is no way to describe the sheer pain that is ripping through my chest at his words.... I knew they would come one day, I just had no idea it would be today..........

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Salt In the Wounds

Sunday was terrible. I never got to talk to my son. My daughter did call though and I was happy getting to talk to  her, but it also felt hollow...she seemed so distant but said nothing was wrong. The call lasted about 2 minutes and then she was off. Her dad took her ability to communicate with me away, we used to be able to text and now she's not allowed because she didn't clean enough. I can't help but feel awful. So too me Sunday was salt in my open wounds ... there's this burning feeling in my chest when I wake up, it stays throughout the day as a dull ache and just before my head hits the pillow the pain intensifies until I block it out long enough to fall asleep. I hold onto the thought that one day I'll be able to hold both my kiddos again.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Some Days

Today is harder than most. It's the week before mother's day, I'm a wreck on the inside. I miss my kids....I miss the messiness of my son and the way his face used to light up when I would come home after having only been gone a short while. I miss the sound of my daughters voice and her giggle while she played with her baby brother. I feel like that life almost never happened it seems so long ago.... I'm no closer to seeing them. I hate money. My heart is killing me.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Am I still a mom? Yes...

I've created this space in the internet world to talk about what it's like to be a mom without her babies. This is not an easy thing to do, none of the decisions I've ever made have been easy when it's come to my children. I don't think any parent can say that they make easy decisions about parenting, but most of us can say we only want what's best for our babies. Why have I chosen now to talk about this? Because I'm tired of dreaming about my babies and keeping them locked inside my head, I have to let it out or it will eat me alive. Nothing I'm doing is being taken lightly, there's a tremendous amount of guilt, fear, shame, and love that comes with this, but nonetheless, I have a story and I want to share it. My hope is that for anyone else who might be going through something similar, they will know they are not alone.

How does a mom not have her babies in her life everyday? That's a question that comes up quite often when I tell people that I have two children who don't live with me. The answer to that is I made the decision to allow their father's to raise them because I didn't think I was stable enough to do so. I didn't want my chaotic life to affect them the way that my mother's life had affected me. I thought I was protecting them, doing what was best for them, and thinking that once I was stable enough I could somehow get them back into my life in a more permanent way. I'm still trying to find that stability...which means that I haven't seen my son in over a year, it's been about 7 months since I've seen my daughter, and it's killing me to say that out loud.

How did I get to this place? Well, I made some decisions in 1998 that lead to me having a daughter with and marrying a man who didn't really love me, nor I him, and getting a divorce about a year and half after she was born. I tried to take care of her on my own for as long as I could, but in the end I had to ask for his help and well the rest is history now. In 2006 I had my son and became a stay at home mom for 3 years, and then that marriage fell apart. I again made the decision with a very heavy heart to try to get myself together and allowed my boy to stay with his dad. He is a good dad, just wasn't a husband for me. I left thinking I would be able to get back to my boy whenever I could, my plan was at least once a month or every other month, it hasn't worked out that way. I often ask myself if I made a mistake by not bringing him with me and making it work I said I thought I was doing the right thing.

I have been ridiculed over my decisions for quite a while, been called selfish, and a terrible person/mother, and basically my family no longer speaks to me and I've lost friends because of it or because of who they think I am. I am not a bad person, I am not an evil person who cares only about myself, but because I chose to leave unhealthy relationships and not stick it out for the sake of my children, I'm judged and found guilty by those who can't put themselves in my shoes.

I realize that the pain I am in because I can't see my children is no one else's fault but my own. I'm fully aware that the only thing standing in my way in seeing my kids is me (and money). Truthfully the ONLY thing in my way is money. I simply do not have enough of it to travel to see them. So, I am stuck with my pictures, my memories, the phone, and my dreams. I miss my children every waking minute of every single day. No amount of time will take that pain away.

But I want to figure out a way to be better a mom to them even far away. I am tired of feeling left out of their lives. I am tired of feeling like an anonymous mom....

So, if anyone out there has ideas or suggestions or has been through this, maybe we can help each other out? I'm open to suggestions...